Brand Resources By TRIBE

Why Brands Need Creators & Influencers to Win at the 2024 Olympics


3 huge opportunities during the Olympics
3 things creators bring to the Olympics
How TRIBE can help


Every four years the world slows as people rally en masse to tune into the Olympic Games. The global event captures the eyeballs of billions of die-hard, and not-so-die-hard, sports fans collectively supporting their countries.

As the 2024 Paris Olympics approach, brands have an enormous opportunity to engage with this vast audience.

While the broadcast for massive sporting events like the Olympics, Superbowl or World Cup is on television - the conversation is most certainly on Social Media.

In fact, TikTok users are just as likely to watch Summer Games content on TikTok as they are live on TV, making it an event every brand can (and should) be looking to capture the attention of audiences in this hyper-engaged state.

While brands need to show up, creators are content masters who can creatively and seamlessly align your products with The Games through authentic storytelling. Think family & friends viewing parties, patriotic moments, health & wellness inspo, cultural awareness and more.


3 huge opportunities during the Olympics 

Our phones are the all-important second screen. While the Olympics are happening live in Paris, billions will be watching from home ensuring the conversation, the buzz, and the engagement exists in the palm of our hands. 



The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has emphasized the importance of digital transformation and innovation for the Games. The Tokyo 2020 Olympics set a high benchmark with over three billion engagements across digital platforms alone. This surge shows the growing trend of audiences consuming Olympic content online rather than through traditional media.


We know Influencer marketing can amplify a brand's reach and engagement exponentially. According to SEMrush, Olympic-related content saw a dramatic increase in search volume and social media mentions during the Tokyo Games (sometimes a surge of over 1000%). This trend is expected to continue for Paris 2024. Hard to fathom the expectation to surpass 23 billion hours consumed across TV and digital from Toyko! 🤯


The Olympics attract arguably the biggest and most diverse audience of any global event. Influencers and creators can help brands tap into various demographics, including younger audiences who are more likely to follow influencers than traditional sports coverage - which explains why TikTok saw a massive uptick in Olympic-related content during Tokyo 2020.


3 things creators bring to the Olympics

TV and broader digital media are flooded with major brands advertising during the Olympics; creators are the #1 way to cut through that noise, avoid ad fatigue and address your target audience authentically and more personally.


The Games are all about celebrating elite athletes, who’ll naturally have fans flocking to their socials making partnering with them a no-brainer. Interestingly, according to TikTok, 72% of users are interested in fan-made content making brand partnerships with everyday people and fans incredibly powerful too.

Given the volume of Olympic content generated grows every 4 years (44% more during Tokyo vs. Rio in 2016) there’s no doubt the Paris Games will bring even more. Creators (and influencers) are known for their ability to genuinely engage their audiences, meaning your creator-led content is more likely to be seen and enjoyed amongst your customer’s very busy feeds.



It’s not news that influencers and creators bring authenticity to advertising. Audiences trust creators because they’re real people, with real opinions which they creatively convey through storytelling.

This trust translates into higher engagement rates. For instance, a study found that influencer-led campaigns during the Olympics can lead to a 2-3 times higher engagement rate compared to traditional advertising. Connecting with your customers authentically is vital to increasing brand awareness, driving Earned Media Value and improving ROI over time.



The buzz from the Olympics lasts months after they’re over. On TikTok alone, views on #Olympics content didn’t see a drop off until a month after the Tokyo Games.

An easy way to stay active during the entire season is to partner with the creators through multiple posts. You’ll not only generate more content with fewer creators to manage, but you’ll be retargeting their audiences with consistent messaging before, during and after the Olympics. Longer-term relationships with creators are not just great for brand building, awareness & recognition, it results in more engaging storytelling.


How can TRIBE help?

Our opt-in creator community, for a start! Check out some of our fave health & sports creators below.


With over 80,000 talented and diverse creators across the globe, finding the right voice for your brand couldn’t be easier. Whether your perfect fit is an athlete or health & fitness fanatic, a relatable family creator or even a comedic pet account our community is ready to pitch their creative ideas and bring your campaign to life.

Or, with the Olympic season just around the corner lean into our premium managed service with a TRIBE Plus campaign and let our team do the heavy lifting to ensure you go to market in time.

The best part? We’re offering limited-time-only packages delivering up to 8 creators with bundled Creator Ad boosting rights - for even better ROI.

To learn more simply reach out to your Customer Success or Campaign Manager OR get in touch via the button below.